Na praia de Arembepe
Nao era noite nao era dia
Era o clarao da lua cheia
Parecendo até magia
Bem enfrente da igreja
No terreiro beriando o mar
O berimbao tocava angola
Chamando pra vadia
Roda de capoeira formou
Quando entro a madrugada
Era um campo de mandinga
Numa noite enluarada
De repente no horizonte
Um forte clarão se viu
Oi o sol vinha raiando
Anunciando um novo dia
Camarà, galo cantou
Ie galo canto camarà
On the beach of Arembepe
It wasn’t night it wasn’t day
There was the light of the full moon
It looked like magic
Just in front of the church
On the terrain at the sea
The berimbau played angola
Calling to play
A capoeira circle formed
At the enter of dawn
It was a field of magic
On a moonlit night
Suddenly at the horizon
A bright light appeared
O the sun came beaming
Announcing a new day
Camarà, the cock crowed
Ie, the cock crowed, camarà