No mar
a sereia cantou
Quando o navio negreiro
as águas atravessou

No mar
A sereia cantou
Quando o navio negreiro
as águas atravessou

O peixe que pula no mar
Carangueijo que anda na areia
Entra na roda de bamba
Venha jogar Capoeira

No mar
A sereia cantou
Quando o navio negreiro
as águas atravessou

At sea
the mermaid sang
When the slave ship
crossed the waters

At sea
the mermaid sang
When the slave ship
crossed the waters 

The fish that jumps into the sea
Crab walking on the sand
Enter the roda of the skillful
Come play Capoeira

At sea
the mermaid sang
When the slave ship
crossed the waters