Songs about all aspects of life. Birth, death, living your life, overcoming obstacles, etc.
Instruments, Life, Playing Capoeira
Life, Playing Capoeira
Instruments, Life, Nervoso O Cantador
Instruments, Life
Fight, Life, Mestre Barrão, Playing Capoeira
Legends, Life, Mestre Bimba, Mestre Toni Vargas
Animals, Ladainha, Life
Ladainha, Life
Life, Mestre Barrão
Life, Mestre Fanho
Legends, Life, Mestre Fanho, Places, The Good Old Days, Waters
Instruments, Legends, Life
Legends, Life, Mestre Bimba, Places, Religion
Life, Maculelê, Playing Capoeira
Animals, Life
Instruments, Ladainha, Life, Mestre Suassuna
Animals, Ladainha, Life, Religion
Life, Mestre Barrão, Playing Capoeira
Ladainha, Legends, Life, Mestre Bimba, Religion