Mestre Toni Vargas, Places, Religion, Slavery |
Instruments, Life, Mestre Barrão, Playing Capoeira, Religion |
Africa, Life, Mestrando Fala Manso |
Instruments, Mestre Maxuel, Playing Capoeira, Waters |
Africa, Waters |
Mestre Suassuna, Playing Capoeira |
Mestre Moreira Expressão, Non-Capoeira Songs as Capoeira Songs, The Good Old Days |
Animals, Mestre Moreira Expressão, Non-Capoeira Songs as Capoeira Songs, The Good Old Days |
DJ Capoeira, Non-Capoeira Songs as Capoeira Songs |
Waters |
Graduado Voador, Instruments, Legends, Mestre Bimba, Slavery |
Instruments, Legends |
Mestre Itapuã Beiramar, Places, Playing Capoeira, Waters |
Mestre Requeijão, Playing Capoeira, Waters |
Animals, Playing Capoeira, Waters |
Instruments, Life, Playing Capoeira |
Life, Playing Capoeira |
Religion, Slavery, Waters |
Mestre Itapuã Beiramar, Playing Capoeira |
Life, Playing Capoeira |
Instruments, Mestre Zé Antonio, Places |
Instruments, Places, Playing Capoeira, Professor Esquilo |
Instruments, Life, Nervoso O Cantador |
Instruments, Legends, Playing Capoeira |
Instruments, Mestre Paulão Ceará |
Contra-Mestre Rafael de Lemba, Instruments |
Animals, Instruments, Mestre Suassuna, Playing Capoeira |
Fight, Mestre Brasília, Playing Capoeira |
Playing Capoeira |
Playing Capoeira |
Contra-Mestre Sinistro, Instruments, Waters |
Mestre Pernalonga, Playing Capoeira |
Mestre Tamanduá, Playing Capoeira |
Instruments, Mestre Mandela |
Start/End of roda |
Mestre Jogo De Dentro, Start/End of roda |
Mestre Pernalonga, Start/End of roda |
Start/End of roda |
Start/End of roda |
Start/End of roda |
Waters |
Waters |
Mestre Pernalonga |
Non-Capoeira Songs as Capoeira Songs |
Non-Capoeira Songs as Capoeira Songs |
Fight, Playing Capoeira |
Africa, Mestre Pernalonga |
Religion |
Legends |
Waters |